Last revised 2009-10-11

By submitting data to this site you agree that you release the postcode and latitude/longitude data into the public domain or, if you are unable to do so, under the PDDL.

Your email address is collected and stored the purposes of verifying your submission, and for tracking which postcodes have been submitted by which entities, for the purposes of quality control and abuse prevention. We will only send an email on submission of each postcode, and never afterwards (except in reply to an email you have sent us).

We will never disclose your email address to any third party unless we are required to do so by official police, court or equivalent request.

The IP address you made your submission from will be stored and recorded in the process of maintaining web server logs, and may be processed in aggregate format for statistical purposes. Individual IP addresses will never be disclosed by to any third party unless we are required to do so by any official police, court or equivalent request.